Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Butternut Squash Soup!

This was heavenly.

Last week my class went on a field trip to an organic farm, which was very cool, and we were able to purchase some fresh organic produce before we left. I picked up some leafy greens, kale and a lovely butternut squash in which I have never before cooked with. The soup turned out so awesome and it's so easy and wonderful.

There are many different variations of this soup that include a whole array of fun ingredients but I kept mine simple tonight and it was delicious. I used one butternut squash, one large onion, a couple garlic cloves and two carrots all thrown into a pot and boiled with enough water (pure, of course) to cover all the ingredients. The recipes I read said it should boil/simmer for upwards of half an hour but I probably only did 15 minutes and then blended it all up in my blender. Added some (Himalayan) salt and stirred it around and it becomes so creamy and beautiful. The colour is so vibrant and warm. I could and would have liked to use some rice milk to make it have a heartier consistency but it didn't even need it - the squash is so thick and creamy already and has so much savory flavour so water was perfectly fine.

I wonder if I could make a raw version of this just by soaking the squash for a while instead of boiling it...

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