Thursday, April 11, 2013

curls & barrettes

I must say I've gone astray
where did it all go?
but not all of it
there's a humming in the background
a pebble of patience lies beneath
lost inside the whirling wind
my feathers are plucked
and left behind
a small child picks them up
and it's fascinating

Guess what I discovered two days ago? The barrette. I've been adoring this miraculous invention. Growing up I always disliked my hair and struggled hugely with managing its crazy messiness. My hair is naturally very curly and I always wanted straight, smooth, silky hair like everyone else. I always felt like "why me?"

I've straightened my hair since I was 13 years old and only over the past couple of years have I actually grown to embrace my natural curls. It's been a mixture of gravitating towards living naturally, and becoming too lazy to do anything with it. I used to think there was absolutely no way that I could ever enjoy my curly curls but, I think maturity knocks some sense into us. Why is adolescence so dramatic and horrible?

The barrette isn't just any old clip, people, it's miracle work. It pins my hair back so snugly and doesn't wiggle around and since it clips horizontally instead of vertically, it holds my hair down flat. I'm just really... really excited about this. I've never used a clip as fantastic as this one before. This is a big deal. Pretty much life-changing.

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